There was two ways to collect these at the time. One was to purchase a cup for 99 cents with fill-up at participating locations. These Hess glass cups were known as the Collectors Series and a new glass was released roughly every two months. There is signage to indicate that they were also available for purchase without buying gas, “NO PURCHASE NECESSARY” and “No Limit Per Customer!” 99 cents each COLLECT ALL FOUR!
The second way to collect these was to receive them as an employee in a gift box set known as the
Hess Toy Truck Glasses Collector Series Set. Supposedly these glass cups were given to employees and executives very much similar to the select Hess toy trucks given to customers and family but not sold to the public. For example the 1993 Hess Premium Diesel not sold in stores but offered to special customers of Hess. These Hess truck glasses are fun to collect or even drink out of. Makes a great gift and certainly a cool conversation piece, they measure about four inches tall, very similar to a tumbler in shape. Sadly 1996 was the only year that they were offered for sale. This ensures their collect-ability to compliment any Hess collection.
The Hess glass gift box set in average condition can fetch over $90.